Friday, September 19, 2014

How to create testing infrastructure?

There are many cases in automated testing where you need to write multiple tests which are basically the same, except for some minor changes.

For example, you need to write a test which inserts a value to a filed, and the value should change every time. If you write the whole thing in one test, a simple loop will solve the issue. But if you want a separate test for each value, you’ll need to create many test files that will include the test code and will differ only in the desired value.

Here is an example for a simple python script which takes its “values” from a simple JSON file and creates siesta tests for as many values as there are in the JSON file, a test for each value: (A short explanation regarding the values and flow of the script will follow)

import json
import sys
import getopt
import time
import os.path

## Declaring default values

## This is the default template to generate test files.
testTemplate = """
    StartTest(function(t) {{
          //here we click on the button which will open a window
          function (next) {{
             var fieldToClick = Ext.ComponentQuery.query('element')[0];
          //wait for the window to open
          {{ waitFor : 'componentQuery', args : "windowToOpen" }},
          //insert to the text field in the window a value
          function (next) {{
              var fieldToType = Ext.ComponentQuery.query('textfield')[0];
              t.type (fieldToType, '{0}', next);
## Default JSON input file name
inputJSONfile = '/home/user/values.json'

## The default template for test's file names
testFileNameTemplate = "Insert_Value_{0}_To_Textfield.t.js"

## This is the script's actual code (The MAIN function)

## Printing the final configuration
print ("#######################################\nConfiguration\n#######################################")
print 'Input JSON file is:', inputJSONfile
print 'Template for test''s file names:' , testFileNameTemplate
print 'Test template used for generating test files:', testTemplate
print ("#######################################\n")

## Open the attributes json file
with open(inputJSONfile) as data_file:   

    ## Parsing the JSON data
    data = json.load(data_file)

    # Loop on all the keys in the json
    for k in data.keys():

        ## Extract the attribute name for each record in the json
        valueToInsert = data[k]
        ## Generating the file name
        fileName = testFileNameTemplate.format(valueToInsert)

        ## Creating the test file (This will OVERWRITE EXISTING FILES)
        ## Injecting the values into the test template
        with open(fileName, "w") as fo:
             print (fileName + " created.")

So what exactly happens in this script?

Each test clicks on an element, and insert a value into the textbox which opens.

The python scripts creates all the test files in the same directory from which it runs, and you can supply the JSON file path in the script itself.

The testTemplate is the code which you will be included in each test file.

The inputJSONfile is the path of the JSON file

The testFileNameTemplate is the file name for each test (and can include the value from the JSON, as you can see on this example).

You can manipulate the script and add more code and more parameters to it; the purpose of this post is to give you the main idea for creating such an infrastructure.

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